Thursday, 29 April 2010


This election is brought to life by the general public that have a chance to become there own graphic designers, to express there emotions and view points, either towards or against a particular party.

This poster here attempts to link David Cameron to the social unrest and unemployment 

Posters like these have been made by the general public bringing comedy into the vote. 

With the election creeping upon us design is playing its roll in society creating hundreds of poster for Labour, Liberal Democrats, and Conservative. These are normally simple posters with strong messages. Resurrecting the old Propaganda techniques used in the past making sure we don't make the wrong discussions. With the use of facebook as well, mock up posters are easily made up and virally past around the world to sway people views. 
Society does care about what happens to the country and the way we life, work and survive as Brits. We do need a change, many changes. This country is becoming to expensive to live in! The first flight I can take to get out of here, the better. Bring on Canada! 

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